Chaos Undivided
What is Chaos Undivided?
Chaos Undivided is a collection of Traitor Legions that betrayed their Oaths of loyalty to the Emperor Of Man with promises of any and all the temptations of man. These former astarties legions had betrayed the Imperium in the 30th millennium in an event later called the Horus heresy, an Ancient civil war that had taken place on an galactic scale. Formerly lead by Warmaster Horus Luprical Primarch of the Black legion
The Traitor Legions Consist of the III Emperors Children, IV Iron Warriors, VIII Night Lords, XII World Eaters, XIV Death Guard, XV Thousand Sons, XVI Black Legion, XVII Word Bearers, XX Alpha Legion.
Each and every traitor legion worships at least one of the dark gods. The chaos gods consisting of Slaanesh (God of Excess), Tzeentch (God of Change), Nurgle (God of Death & Rebirth), Khorne (God of Rage & Bloodshed).
Legions Undivided:
Iron Warriors, Night Lords, Black Legion, Word Bearers, Alpha Legion

Ranking Structure

Brothers! Welcome to the feast! Tell me, which among you will be the first course?
It is to be that the undenyable goal of chaos undivided among the clan community is to grow and prosper forever spreading the glory of chaos!
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